Standard TFT Display Module Part Numbers
Despite the industry wide promotion of “Standard” Part Number there are no such products to be considered as Standard. As highlighted in our 5 Reveals discussion, the industry has never produced two Standard Part Numbers that are Mechanically, Electrically and Visually a Drop-in replacement. A more accurate definition of Standard Display Part Numbers Standards are “Pre-Tooled” Modules that can be used as a design Platform for embellished production models or as a general sample for evaluation purposes.
More importantly, so-called Standard Modules are best to be used as “Reference Designs” and are subject to modifications to achieve an Optimized display solution to complement OEMs’ application.
Below is Intec Display’s own list of Standard Part Numbers (Pre-Tooled and accessible as Reference Designs) that you may choose from. Or, Intec can design a fully customized Module.